May 6, 2022

Remember getting up early on Saturday mornings and watching cartoons with your favorite bowl of cereal?
Times have changed, and we've all grown a bit older, but we don't have to stop spending time with our favorite people and morning delights!
We hope you'll make plans to join us this Saturday morning at 9:30am (Eastern), 8:30CT/7:30MTN/6:30PT.
Grab your coffee, your bible, a journal & something to write with, and meet up with us online for a time of sharing, encouragement, prayer, and who-knows-what-else-will-come-up entertainment!
Our LIVE STREAM will be available on the River City Hope Church YouTube and Facebook pages, and also on Terry & Melissa's personal Facebook pages.
And you can totally have a bowl of cereal while we're meeting--Just be sure to post on the live stream what you're having--And we will see you tomorrow morning!
Terry & Melissa The Good Morning Show with Terry & Melissa