Saturday, June 18, 2022
Good Morning!! Here are some of the things we talked about in this morning's episode:
What's In Your Cup?
Our Mug Shot
Coffee of the Day (Michigan Cherry from meijer)
Trading/Paying it Forward for Mugs???
Pre-Father's Day Story: Dad's Cassette Recordings
"Songs for Dad" CD
Coffee Mo-Jo, or No-Go?
Library Fun
Greetings from Kenya, Africa
Drilling for Water in Africa
Do you WORDLE?
Spontaneous World Traveler
Music Purists Unite!
Mix Tapes, CDs, & the Radio
The Word for Your Day (Romans 8:14-17)
Prayer Journaling
More Dad Stories
MJ's Dad's Testimony
Get to Know Ya' Q&A and more!
Thanks for tuning in!

Melissa is drinking from her XL Minnie Mouse mug from daughter-in-law Taylor, and Terry is drinking from his official "Awakening" mug from the Kentucky District Church of the Nazarene.
COFFEE OF THE DAY Michigan Cherry from FREDERIK'S by meijer (order online here)

DAD'S CASSETTE RECORDER (this is the same model as my Dad's!)

Click the picture to watch the video
DO YOU WORDLE? (Click here to play now)

NATIONAL DAY CALENDAR (View website here)
THE WORD FOR YOUR DAY (Romans 8:14-17)

WOMEN'S PRAYER JOURNAL (Order it on Amazon)

Terry's Recommendation for Men's Prayer Journal on Amazon
Thanks for tuning in!!!
Terry and Melissa